
Minggu, 17 Maret 2013



A group of two or more grammatically linked words that do not have subject and predicate is a phrase. For example:
The girl is at home, and tomorrow she is going to the amusement park.
You can see that “the amusement park” is a phrase located in the second clause of the complete sentence above.
Phrases act like parts of speech inside clauses. That is, they can act as nouns, adjectives, adverbs and so on.

A phrase is a collection of words that may have nouns or verbals, but it does not have a subject doing a verb. The following are examples of phrases:
  • leaving behind the dog
  • smashing into a fence
  • before the first test
  • after the devastation
  • between ignorance and intelligence
  • broken into thousands of pieces
  • because of her glittering smile
In these examples above, you will find nouns (dog, fence, test, devastation, ignorance, intelligence, thousands, pieces). You also have some verbals (leaving, smashing), but in no case is the noun functioning as a subject doing a predicate verb. They are all phrases.


Sentences can be broken down into clauses. For example:
The boy is going to the school, and he is going to eat there.
This is a complete sentence composed of two clauses. There are mainly two types of clauses: independent clauses and subordinate clauses.
Independent clauses act as complete sentences, while subordinate clauses cannot stand alone and need another clause to complete their meaning. For example:
Independent clause: “The boy went to the school.”
Subordinate clause: “After the boy went to the school…”

A Clause is a collection of words that has a subject that is actively doing a verb. The following are examples of clauses:
·         since she laughs at diffident men
·         I despise individuals of low character
·         when the saints go marching in
·         Obediah Simpson is uglier than a rabid raccoon
·         because she smiled at him.

In the examples above, we find either a noun or a pronoun that is a subject (bold-print and red) attached to a predicate verb (underlined and purple) in each case:
·         since she laughs at diffident men
·         I despise individuals of low character
·         when the saints go marching in
·         Obediah Simpson is uglier than a rabid raccoon
·         because she smiled at him

If the clause could stand by itself, and form a complete sentence with punctuation, we call the clause an independent clause. The following are independent clauses:
  • I despise individuals of low character
  • Obediah Simpson is uglier than a rabid racoon
Dependent clauses have a subject doing a verb, but they have a subordinate conjunction placed in front of the clause. That subordinate conjunction means that the clause can't stand independently by itself and become a complete sentence. Instead, the dependent clause is dependent upon another clause--it can't make a complete sentence by itself, even though it has a subject doing a verb. Here are some examples of dependent clauses:
  • since she laughs at diffident men
  • when the saints go marching in
  • because she smiled at him


Sentences are made of two parts: the subject and the predicate.
The subject is the person or thing that acts or is described in the sentence. The predicate, on the other hand, is that action or description.
Complete sentences need both the subject and the predicate. 

examples :

When do llamas prance in moonlight?
I have an awesome cell phone.
I give you credit for asking a good question.
My name is not Bob, Debbie, or Joe.
I wish I had a carbonated beverage.

sumber : http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/gram_clauses_n_phrases.html

Jumat, 08 Maret 2013

Part of Speech

     One way to begin studying basic sentences stuctures  in English to identify the traditional Part of Speech (also known as word classes). 
Part of Speech are the basic types of words that English has. Most grammer books say that there are eight parts of speech :
noun,verb,adjective,adverb,pronoun,conjuntion,preposition,and interjection.
     Each part of speech explains not what the word  is but how the word is used. In fact,the same word can be a noun in one sentences and a verb or adjective in the next.It is important to be able to recognize and identify the different types of words in English, so that you can understand grammar explanations and use the right word form in the right place. Here is a brief explanation of what the parts of speech are:

A noun is a naming word. Noun is everything we see or we can talk about and show people, objects, places, plants, animals, ideas and so on. Examples: cowboy, theatre, pen, thought, motorcycle, kindness, arrival,etc.

Nouns are divided into: 
1.Concrete Nouns : box, tree, table, chai,etc.
2.Abstract Nouns :  happiness, kindness, sadness, courag,etc.

A verb is a word which describes an action (doing something) or a state (being something).Verb is a word that shows the name of the deeds done by the subject, but perhaps also to indicate the state.Examples: walk, talk, think, believe, live, like, want,etc.
Verbs are divided into:  
1.Finite Verbs : walk, talk, grow, sleep,etc.
2.Auxiliary Verbs : is, am, are, was, were, have, can, migh,etc.
3.Linking Verbs : see, stay, appear, sound, taste, feel,etc.
4.Transitive Verbs : read, build, write, open, close,etc.
5.Intransitive Verbs : freeze, rise, boild, cr,etc.
6.Regular Verbs : called, joined, phoned,etc.
7.Irregular Verbs : writted, read, spoken, rang,etc. 

An adjective is a word that describes a noun. It tells you something about the noun.
In English.Examples: big, yellow, thin, amazing, beautiful, quick, important,etc.
Adjectives (adj) divided into: 
1.Quality Adjectives
2.Possessive Adjectives
3.Demonstrative Adjectives
4.Interrogative Adjectives
5.Quantity Adjectives
6.Numeral Adjectives
7.Proper Adjectives
8.Distributive Adjectives
Examples of  Adjective sectences:
  • My pen is cheap –> Possessive
  • That doll is on the box –> Demo
  • You look sweet –> Quality
  • Whose paper is this? –> Interrogative
  • Some books are in the drawer –> Quantity
  • I have two books –> Numeral
  • Kaka is Brasilian –> Proper
  • I can read every book in the library –> Distributive

An adverb is a word which usually describes a verb. It tells you how something is done. It may also tell you when or where something happened.Examples: fastly, intelligently, well, yesterday, tomorrow, here, everywhere,etc.

Adverbs divided into : 
1.Simple Adverbs
2.Interrogative Adverbs
3.Relative Adverbs

Examples of  Adverb sentences:
  • She is singing in the studio right now –> Simple adverbs
  • Where do you live?-> interrogative adverbs
  • This is the hotel where he stays at -> relative adverbs
A pronoun is used instead of a noun, to avoid repeating the noun.
Examples: I, you, he, she, it, we, they,etc.
Pronoun divided into : 
1.Personal Pronouns
2.Demonstrative Pronouns
3.Possessive Pronouns
4.Interrogative Pronouns
5.Relative Pronouns
6.Indefinite Pronouns
6.Reflexive Pronouns
7.Intensive Pronouns
8.Reciprocal Pronouns
Examples of  Pronoun sentences:
  • I like Sarah. She is a doctor –> Personal
  • Those are my pencils. These are yours –> Demonstrative
  • This is my car. That is yours –> Possessive
  • What is your name? –> Interrogative
  • The man who called you is my uncle –> Relative
  • Someone knocked at the door –> Indefinite
  • I cut myself with a knife –> Reflexive
  • Henry himself told me so –> Intensive
  • They love each other –> Reciprocal
A conjunction joins two words, phrases or sentences together.Examples: but, so, and, because, or,etc.

Conjunctions devided into :
1.Coordinating Conjunction
2.Sub-Ordinating Conjunctions

examples of conjuntion sentences:
  • You and I will go to Bali tomorrow –> Coordinating
  • He said that he could pick me up –> Sub-ordinating  

A preposition usually comes before a noun, pronoun or noun phrase. It joins the noun to some other part of the sentence.Examples: on, in, by, with, under, through, at,etc.
Prepositions devided into :
1.Simple Prepositions : in, on, to, in,etc.
2.Double Prepositions :  into, onto, from under,etc.
3.Compound Prepositions : across, along, behind, about,etc.
4.Participial Prepositions : pending, during, notwithstanding, considering,etc.
5.Prepositional Phrase : because of, by means of, in the name of, by the name of,etc.
6.Disguised Prepositions :o’clock, o’lantern, a-hunting,etc.

An interjection is an unusual kind of word, because it often stands alone. Interjections are words which express emotion or surprise, and they are usually followed by exclamation marks.
Examples: Farewell!,Bravo!,Well done!,Ouch!, Hello!, Hurray!, Oh no!, Ha!,Hush!,Dear me! etc.

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Queen- Love of My Life

Malam ini,saya lagi now playing Love of My Life nya-Queen . Nih liriknyaaa,

Love of my life,
You hurt me,
You broken my heart,
Now you leave me

Love of my life can't you see,

Bring it back bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me

Love of my life don't leave me,

You've stolen my love you now desert me,

Love of my life can't you see,

Bring it back bring it back,
Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me

You will remember when this is blown over,

And everything's all by the way,
When I grow older,
I will be there at your side,
To remind how I still love you
I still love you
I still love you

Hurry back hurry back,

Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know what it means to me

Love of my life,

Love of my life 


tanggal 06 maret '13 niatnya tadi saya pengen ngerjain tugas matkul softskill bahasa Inggris. Eh tiba tiba otak saya mendadak buntu *no inspiration* ya,kira kira gitu deh,padahal tadi saya sudah merancang sedemikian rupa tulisan saya namun mendadak buyar.. Jadi,saya ngecek blog one by one dan saya lihat blog saya yang begitu sepi. Sepi dalam arti hanya berisikan tugas ilmu budaya dasar semester sebelumnya-__-dan iseng iseng saya ramein ajaaaa,bhahaaa *bakar bakar ....

well,para mahasiswa/i Gunadarma ga terasa udah semester dua aja nih,mahasiswa baru apa kabar? ip gimana ? yang sabar ya :) orang sabar kasihan Tuhan,terlalu sabar mati konyoll #eehh hahaa becanda :D . Sebenarnya kalo menurut saya nih yaa persoalannya bukan nunggu ip nya kapan keluar dan gimana besarnya tapi lebih tepatnya gimana kita di semester baru ini. Siap ngga buat semester baru?Siap ngga buat never be the same like before ? Yah,kembali ke pribadi masing masing sih,kalo emang niat yah pasti bisa.
Saya sendiri,permulaan tahun ajaran sudah ngehh melihat jadwadnya yang segitu cetar membahana badai. sebenarnya jadwalnya normal normal aja,hanya mungkin dikarenakan terbiasa dengan jadwal pagi jadi susah kalau mesti beradaptasi lagi dengan jadwal sore. Kalau dari segi materi pembelajarannya,saya pikir cukup adil dengan otak sayaa bhahaaa *abaikan* . Yah demikianlah postingan ngasal saya sodara sodara,yang suka puji Tuhan yang gasuka anggap aja spam :D